Tuesday, August 31, 2010

“Woodstock of the mind” coming to the Maldives

Some comments under the article “Woodstock of the mind” coming to the Maldives on the Minivan News website on 23 Aug 2010.
Shaz on Tue, 24th Aug 2010 10:37 PM
“I was referring in my interview to a tiny minority who preach violent jihad, who incite hatred and violence against ‘infidels’, apostates, Jews and homosexuals; who in their speeches and on their websites speak passionately against free thought, pluralism, democracy, unveiled women; who will tolerate no other interpretation of Islam but their own and have vilified Sufism and other strands of Islam as apostasy; who have murdered, among others, fellow Muslims by the thousands in the market places of Iraq, Algeria and in the Sudan. Countless Islamic writers, journalists and religious authorities have expressed their disgust at this extremist violence. To speak against such things is hardly ‘astonishing’ on my part (Independent on Sunday) or original, nor is it ‘Islamophobic’ and ‘right wing’ as one official of the Muslim Council of Britain insists, and nor is it to endorse the failures and brutalities of US foreign policy. It is merely to invoke a common humanity which I hope would be shared by all religions as well as all non-believers.” – Ian McEwan

Why is the Maldives allowing entry to this man who’s against everything the True Muslim Maldivians (TM) stand for? And does the Maldivian government not incite hatred against apostates and homosexuals? I hope they don’t sell literature promoting views such as his. Oh the blasphemy. Na’oozubillahi.

Mr. Adhaalath on Wed, 25th Aug 2010 5:25 AM

@shaz & heck:

It’s not the Maldivian government that incites hatred against homosexuals, apostates or whatever, it’s the public that’s been brainwashed by the self-proclaimed true muslims that does so. Islam was known to be a religion that encouraged arts, creativity and science throughout it’s existence up until the Wahhabi’s emerged. If that wasn’t the case, our ancestors too would’ve had long-beards, trimmed mo’s and three quarter pants. We would’ve had no culture besides reciting the Quran, oppressing women, homosexuals, and what not. Get your heads straight and open your eyes.

Shaz on Wed, 25th Aug 2010 1:50 PM

@ Mr. Adhaalath,

“According to the Section 15, clause 173 (8a) “Sexual activity with a member of the same sex”, under the “Rules of adjudication”, the punishment is to be lashed (tha’zeer) between 19 to 39 times and banished or imprisoned for a period between 1 to 3 years, taking into account, the severity of the offence.”

That’s what the law says. If that’s not inciting hatred and violence against homosexuals I don’t know what is.

Shaz on Wed, 25th Aug 2010 2:35 PM

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And that’s what a once Minister of State for Home Affairs had to say on homosexuals. Being stoned to death or thrown off a high place, which do you think does not incite violence?

heck on Wed, 25th Aug 2010 3:22 PM

I was not able to see your true colour from the posts.

It’s very ambiguous.

What is your POSITION on homosexuality?

Please advise.

Shaz on Wed, 25th Aug 2010 7:16 PM

@heck, Exactly my point. Inviting pro-gay writers into our pristine and morally superior Islamic nation not only exposes the hypocrisy of the government, which loves to champion Islam when it serves their political interest; but also invites the wrath of the Divine Peeping Tom who has nothing better to do but watch what people do with their genitals. If that doesn’t tell you what my position on homosexuality is, then I can’t help you.

heck on Wed, 25th Aug 2010 11:03 PM

“..nothing better to do but watch what people do with their genitals.”

Watching others genitals is a sin in Islam except your legally wedded spouse!

Because we are human beings NOT animals.

It is important that we use our TOOLS in the right way to create the “right products”.

For instance a carpenter starts using a SCREW DRIVER to plane a piece of wood. Will he ever get the surface levelled with that wrong tool?

OR what good is it, hammer hitting hammer head instead of hammer hitting nail head?

The result is only unproductive noises and nothing else!

Our purpose in this life is obedience towards God, WHETHER or NOT Ian McEwan likes it or not.

I don’t think Islam will ever be conducive to “apostates, Jews and homosexuals” as he wants us to be!

Not because Islam is against PEACE but because they stand against the very basic tenets of Islam!

He does not have the right to GRILL Muslims because of their religious belief!

He is not a religious scholar and NEITHER am I!

Shaz on Thu, 26th Aug 2010 12:37 AM
@heck, Maybe in Aristotle’s purpose driven universe this sexual ethics made sense, and for the same reason Aquinas and medieval Islamic theologians championed it, while failing to notice the flawed logic, which is,things needn’t have to have one single function or a list of proper functions.

I’ll borrow your metaphor. There’s a spectrum of hammer functions. Some like to hit on nails. Others like to hit on them, but also pull them out. Some are used in a courtroom. Others in a doctor’s consultation room. Some make music. Others are used to listen to music. Thankfully in the hammer-world, judgmental bigots don’t exist, so they all live in harmony, proving that functions are not limited, but interchangeable. We can learn a lot from hammers.

However I do agree with you that Islam isn’t ‘conducive’ to homosexuals, Jews, apostates etc etc. So instead of boring us with tired old ancient anti-gay arguments, maybe you could join me in protesting this visit by Ian McEwan, the Islamaphobe who doesn’t tolerate intolerance against Jews, homosexuals and other enemies of Islam.

By the way, I think that when it comes to divine voyeurism, the rules don’t apply to the rule-maker.
Shaz on Thu, 26th Aug 2010 3:31 PM
“pulling out a nail does not negate the action of hitting the nail head”

Neither does homosexual sex negate heterosexual sex. Ask any bisexual.

“hammer down both the defendant and plaintiff.” “blow on the head”

I see that you agree that hammering is not the only function of a hammer.

“correct usage and they all follow without deviation”

Implying that a hammer can be put to multiple uses. So can your genitals. My point exactly.
feckless thug on Thu, 26th Aug 2010 6:22 PM

some things grow from deviations, language and music for instance, the richness of which can be attributed in part to certain outstanding breaks from tradition.

perhaps you could consider humans as creative deviants, because some of the most interesting, wonderful things that we see in the world was born out of somebody thinking outside the norms of his time, ie deviating.

if you could excuse a platitude, deviations aren’t intrinsically bad.

ps. also, you seem to thinking that watching each other’s genitalia (except those of your legally wedded spouse) turn us into animals:
“Watching others genitals is a sin in Islam except your legally wedded spouse!
Because we are human beings NOT animals”

just how many animals spend their time ogling each other’s genitalia in the obsessive manner of humans? and how many animals have sex and reproduce?

it would seem that watching pornography, or even having a homosexual affair is less animal-like than copulating with your opposite sex for reproduction, because even though animals do engage in homosexual behaviour they predominantly have sex to reproduce.

so, if you desperately want to distinguish yourself from an animal, perhaps it would suffice to pull on a g-string and watch some porn as animals do neither.

heck on Mon, 30th Aug 2010 2:41 PM
What happened, MN? Too chicken to pulish my counter arguments to Shaz?

This is all too expected. I had a gut feeling that MN was all third class “hidden agenda” journalism !

Enjoy the cheap anti Islam blabbering that is called MN !

Here the comment you have chickened out to publish.


“Neither does homosexual sex negate heterosexual sex”

It DOES! Homosexuality causes deviation from the Purpose of Life. So it DOES negate!

“Ask any bisexual.”

Why ask a burglar about the reason for his actions? Important thing is to try and find the lost items. No need to waste time asking unnecessary questions.

“hammer down both the defendant and plaintiff.”

“blow on the head”

All negations! While your proposed actions are deviant and unjustifiable, creates havoc and disorder! So there your are scoring an “own goal” proving homosexuality negates justice and purpose!

“I see that you agree that hammering is not the only function of a hammer.”

You see the physical action is the same for all hammers like “hitting” the nail head! The difference is the exertion and the purpose sought in each scenario, but the action is the same – hammering or hitting!

So, No! I didn’t agree with you. Hammer still doesn’t hit hammer head!

“Implying that a hammer can be put to multiple uses. So can your genitals. My point exactly.”

Yes. Hammer can be put to multiple “uses” as long as the action of “hammering” is productive and does not NEGATE by being DESTRUCTIVE like you have proven with your “own goal”. Hammer hitting hammer head is DESTRUCTIVE and BLIND!

So you didn’t EXACTLY prove anything! Naught, Nil, Cipher & Zero!


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